Μενού Κλείσιμο

It is our pleasure to welcome you to the 5th distance education e-learning International Summer School and Workshop on “Wastewater and Biosolids Management” (WWSS19), taking place in Patras, Greece, July 22 – 27, 2019. This scientific event is organized in the context of the Postgraduate Study Programme “Waste Management”, by the Hellenic Open University.

The Summer School started in 2015 and was successfully continued since then with tens of wastewater and biosolids experts from many different countries worldwide (Bulgaria, Cyprus, Greece, Germany, Israel, Italy, Jordan, Oman, Philippines, Switzerland, Slovenia, Spain, UK, United Arab Emirates, USA, Tunisia, etc.), as keynote speakers.

The 2019 program follows the strategy of maintaining basic lectures enriched with new topics of interest on the new trends in wastewater and biosolids management technologies and representative case studies. As special features in 2019, the Summer School:

  1. will dedicate a session on waste management of the Armed Forces,
  2. will include a session, as in 2018, on practical laboratory exercises and data analysis tools for measuring the basic wastewater parameters requested by regulations,
  3. will offer the possibility to master and PhD students as well as to wastewater and biosolids professionals, equipment suppliers, public bodies and organizations to present their work by e-posters (a one-page abstract should be sent to wastewater2019@eap.gr; the organizer will review this material and will timely inform about the acceptance of the presentation. All accepted abstracts will be published in the WWSS19 e-proceedings).

WWSS19 target group are all those interested in wastewater and biosolids management issues, worldwide. We would cordially like to invite all interested parties to register to the WWSS19 via its website, and to disseminate this educational event.

Finally, we would like to express our warmest thanks to all those who have supported this effort since 2015, and especially the keynote speakers from the Hellenic and foreign Universities and research institutes, for contributing to a programme of such high quality.

We are confident that the participants of WWSS19 will both benefit from, and enjoy the programme.

Sincerely Yours

Professor Dr. Ioannis K. Kalavrouziotis


01st January 2019: Available service for online Registration to the WWSS19 (at http://wastewater2019.eap.gr/).

30th June 2019: Deadline for the submission of e-posters one-page abstracts (abstracts to be sent to: wastewater2019@eap.gr).

08th July 2019: Notification of acceptance of e-posters.

15th July 2019: Deadline for the full Registration to the WWSS19.

17th July 2019: Deadline for the submission of final e-posters.

22th – 27th July 2019: Thematic Sessions of the WWSS19.

Previous Summer Schools

Waste Water Summer School 2018

Wastewater and biosolids Management


Waste Water Summer School 2017

Wastewater and biosolids Management

Waste Water Summer School 2016

Wastewater and biosolids Management


Waste Water Summer School 2015

Management of Wastewater




The city of Patras is located in the NW Peloponnese, 213km west of Athens. It is the capital of the prefecture of Achaia, the largest city in the Peloponnese and the third largest in Greece. Patras is Greece’s “Gate to the West”, it’s harbour connecting the whole country with the ports of Western Europe. The city’s history can be traced back to the second millennium B.C. and the Mycenean civilizations, but it is during the 19th Century that the city flourished and became an important centre of commerce. Patras is interesting and attractive with archaeological sites and neoclassical buildings blending with modern residences and commerce. Places worth seeing in Patras include the Fortress, the Roman Odeon, the archaeological and folklore museums, St. Andrew’s Cathedral, the Municipal Theatre and Gallery, and Achaia Clauss winery. Today, the city is an important cultural centre where the Hellenic Open University plays a leading role.



Click here to download the  Programme.

For more information on Summer Schools in Europe, please visit the following website: www.summerschoolsineurope.eu


Click here to download the E-Posters Programme


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